The Call for Transition
You are an Executive with years of experience, success and professional satisfaction, but – beyond what can be perceived externally, there’s a voice that is calling you to your new life-cycle, that you can no longer ignore.
On a rational level you know you should make a change, but the idea of making missteps, of putting at risk some of your achievements and securities, is holding you back to the predictability of the present.
Yet, you strongly feel this call to change, to find a new path for you, to create the space for your new identity to express.
You are aware – and you directly experienced it many time – that every success is built by putting yourself at the helm, with clear vision, direction, and perseverance. So you perfectly know that the answer you’re looking for is not coming from your industry, your company or your family, it is coming from you.
You know it.
Today you have the chance to decide and plan what your future will be, to bring momentum to your life, to reactivate your energy and enjoy new wins.
Don’t turn away from yourself.
You have the opportunity to enter a new phase of life designed by you, to get enthusiasm and a sense of action. A full, mature, congruent, relevant and valuable new phase… For your personal success.
And you don’t have to be alone in this.
You need to reorder your priorities, gain clarity, and define a solid roadmap. You need experienced partners at your side, specialised in supporting career transitions, who have experienced many by themselves and can give you stimuli and right tools.
You need experts in transitions, and we are here to help you defining and expressing your new identity, reaching higher levels of awareness, and designing the next stages of your life.
What is Transition Mastery
Transition Mastery is an Advanced Transition Coaching Program, designed to successfully guide you through your major career transitions.
Being coached by two Executive Coaches represents an unprecedented development accelerator: you’ll be simultaneously and stereophonically stimulated by a series of strategies, perspectives and tools, in order to deliver the most powerful and transformative coaching experience ever.
What characterises Transition Mastery is its richness of: coaching and transition management approaches and tools, intellectual solicitations and insights, self-assessments and training materials.
The aim is for you to reach a greater and deeper awareness and to plan your best and most sustainable transition.

Become more aware of your identity and desires

Get the clarity you need and set your direction

Create a plan and a roadmap for your career transition
About Us
Gianfranco Nocilla, MCC
Gianfranco is a Master Certified Coach and Leadership Developer, with more than 3.000 certified coaching hours.
His coaching approach is highly transformational, and career and life transitions have always represented his primary interest.
Since 2009, he’s been offering Executive Coaching services to multinational companies, large public and private companies, and SMEs across different industries (luxury, food, manufacturing, IT, services, FMCG, government enterprises, banks …). Over the years, he has specialised in Career Coaching, Transition Coaching, Systemic Coaching, Team and Group Coaching, Mentoring and Voice Dialogue. He holds certifications as Voice Dialogue Facilitator and DISC® assessor.
Before turning to the freelance profession, as a material engineer, he used to work in a FMCG multinational company, managing multicultural teams and global R&D projects. Since 2012, he’s been holding the role of General Manager for an R&D and training company, and managing special R&D projects for a leading multinational food company.
Gianfranco’s transitions
Gianfranco has managed and experienced numerous transitions in his life.
Three major work transitions, an expatriation, the changes in paradigms due to a serious illness, the divorce and some other personal events, that impacted heavily on his life make him for sure a role model in this field.
Living them on his own skin, he learnt that the beauty of transitions resides in the fact that they involve the human being in his wholeness and complexity.

Serenella Panaro, PCC
Serenella is a Professional Certified Coach and Mentor Coach, specialised in Business & Career Transition Coaching and Personal Branding. She has totaled more than 2.500 certified coaching hours.
Since 2009, she’s been working with executives and managers across different private sectors (Automotive, Energy, Assurance, Bank, Finance, Telecommunication, Information Technology, Food, Pharmaceutical, Fashion & Luxury) and Public Sector (Universities, Research Institutes, Hospitals).
She is a recognised expert in Effective Communication, responsible for the Column “The Personal Branding of the Coach” for the CoachMag Magazine, Coach of Tedx Trento Speakers, and first Italian Member of Career Directors International. Serenella is a certified DISC Assessor and Emotional Intelligence Assessor, trained in MBSR – the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Protocol of University Massachusetts Medical School.
Before turning to Coaching as a profession, she worked for Luxury and Telecommunication companies, and as Career Advisor for the University of Trento, facilitating the specific transition from Campus to Companies of thousands of graduate students, PhD students and researchers of over 40 nationalities. She is currently Leadership Coach for the Senior Researchers of Eurac Research Institute in Bolzen.
Serenella’s transitions
Serenella personally went through several personal and career transitions changing different sectors in Corporates and Institutions, and expressing her professional identity in different corporate roles and as a Freelance.
She knows very well the impact of stress during a transition phase, and the importance of personal fulfil but not to the detriment of ourselves. That’s why her approach combines professional development, performance and well-being.
About the Program
Transition Mastery is organised in twelve individual coaching sessions of 90 minutes with two coaches, held on-line, and planned over six months.
The presence of two coaches simultaneously is a unique feature in the panorama of individual coaching, and represents a mind-blowing accelerator of systemic development.
Working with two coaches allows to amplify:
- The quality and the depth of observation of systemic patterns.
- The number of alternative perspectives, insights and models.
The program is divided into two parts:
PART 1 – CLARITY: six transition coaching sessions to discover your values, purpose, identity, and vision, in order to reach a deep level of clarity about your next career and life phase. At the end of this first program section you’ll be resourced and aware about the systemic sustainability of your vision, and free to move into the designing of your future foundations.
PART 2 – RE-BIRTH: six sessions to explore your internal enablers, and the external market, build your brand identity, define the action plan and much more. This part of the program represents the transition from the internal need of a major change, to the practical design of your vision and to a detailed roadmap of your future.
In-between sessions, we’ll continuously support your work by proposing impactful advice, exercises, and resources to implement your Transition Action Plan.
We know very well that you are unique, thus your transition will be unique too.
For this reason, our Transition Mastery program is 100% tailor-made: within the 2-part program, we select from our experienced and certified repertoire the most suitable tools and approaches for your specific challenges and the context you are in.
The program is conducted in English, but we can equally hold it in Italian, and French, as you prefer.

- Transformational Executive Coaching
- Systemic Coaching
- Voice Dialogue
- Polyvagal Approach

- DISC Personal Profile
- SEI Emotional Intelligence Leadership Assessment
- Builder Profile 10 for Entrepreneur

- Why Discovery
- Personal Branding consultancy
- LinkedIn and Resumé Writing session
What is a Transition:
Transition Vs. Change
A transition is a process that involves a redefinition of your identity, allowing yourself to define your new priorities, to align your entire system, and to optimally allocate time and energy in order to design and live the great changes in your life.
Often, the words ‘change’ and ‘transition’ are considered synonyms, but they aren’t. In fact, change is situational, while transition is about identity and awareness.
Let’s make an example: finding a new job or moving to a new company are changes, but doing that redesigning your professional direction is a transition (e.g. from being a manager in a company to becoming an entrepreneur or a freelance consultant). In other words: change is about making, transition is about being.
For this reason, transitions impact on your whole system: personal and professional, but they also impact on your family, and on the society you live in. That’s why for major transitions you may need professional help to guide you through it.
Schedule a Discovery Call
Schedule your free 30-minute consultation with Coaches Gianfranco and Serenella
Transition Mastery
Suits You If…
- You’re an Executive, a Top Consultant or an Entrepreneur
- You agree with our description and approach to Transitions
- You feel the need and the urge to face your own Transition
- You are not looking for consultants who work for you, but you are willing to be amazed by the solution
- You’ll create yourself during the process, under our guidance;
- You’re not pressed and you want to dedicate six months for thoughtful planning of your next personal and professional phase of life
- You are open to question your paradigms, in order to create your best roadmap towards the updated version of yourself
- You are determined to block already today the Transition Coaching sessions in your agenda and foresee hard work between sessions, in the next six months
Recording of The 1:1 Sessions
Personal Area on Our Platform
Brain Profile by Six-Seconds
CV and LinkedIn Review
Your Transition Book
Invitations to Future Trainings

Schedule your free 30-minute consultation with Gianfranco and Serenella to learn more about all the ways they can help you manage your transition, and achieve your realization through a strategy focused on your needs, and your wellbeing.